Friday, December 14, 2007

Anika's Odyssey - Land of the Taniwha

Game url:

Anika's Odyssey is a magical adventure deep into a lush and enchanted land. Break away from reality into this mystical world.

Spoilers, Hints and Walkthrough for Anika's Odyssey - Land of the Taniwha

[Show Spoiler]

-Click the bucket, then the pump.
-Once the eagle kidnaps your stuffed rabbit, click the bucket three times to pick it up, set it upright, and use it to jump over the electric fence.
-The only thing clickable now is the tree with the gaping hole. Click that.
-Click the log that makes somewhat of a bridge.
-When the creatures flip you around to the beginning of the bridge, click the tree with the hole again.
-Look inside it, and the red creature will do the same. Knock him in when he's clickable. PSYCHE!
-Now you can cross the log bridge by clicking on that.
-Click the first floating log, then click the bluish thing (some bog monster).
-After he hits his head, go back to find some colored vines.
-Click on the red moss to see what color the chameleon is. Pull the vine that is similar to his color three times (he'll switch at every pull, so check back), and he'll pop down.
-Click on the first log again, then the chameleon's tongue.
-Traverse onto the next rock, then the beachy area.
-Climb up the roots and pick the berries from the berry bush (the one with red spots)
-Climb down, then walk to the rock on the far-down end. Click on Anika to drop the berries. She'll haul her own butt up the pole herself when the time comes.
-Climb up the two convenient staircases.
-Pull the right lever, click on the malfunctioning gears, and repeat until the power meter on the left is full so that the bridge falls.
-Click the cart to push it onto the bridge.
-Walk back to the machine, pull the right lever one more time to reveal a convenient ramp and staircase.
-Walk down the ramp, then up the trail.
-When the mountain goat appears, walk back down and guide her into the cave.
-Pull the wooden hatch to send down a boulder that takes the goat with it.
-Back down the cave and back up the pass. No obstacles this time.
-Swank. The eagle's gone. Click the bunny twice to go to it then grab it.
-Walk back to the mountain platform.
-After the mountain thing scares away the eagle, click (kiss) him because he deserves it, then take the pile of feathers.
-Click on the eagle's nest to fly all the way back home.
-What? Just because you went on an adventure to get back your rabbit doesn't mean you can still shirk from your chores! Click the bucket twice, then the pump three times.
-Click the bucket, then click the door twice.

Congrats! Not only have you beaten the game, you've gotten parential praise and a kickass pair of wings!

Hopefully I got everything right on this try, so speak up if I missed something.

SpoilerZ url:

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hapland 3

Game url:

Solve this point and click quest.

Spoilers, Hints and Walkthrough for Hapland 3

[Show Spoiler]

Goal 1: Get Rid Of That Pesky Mine
Click on the carrot to eat it.
Click on the guy who ate the carrot and he'll move to the right.
Click the bottom lever guy 3 times.
Click on the carrot and then click on top of box below him. Two flys come out. You need to click on both of them before they get to the carrot.
Click both "launch pad" switches so the UFO floats up.
Click the bottom lever guy 3 times so a right red arrow appears.
Click the other arrow so it turns to the right.
Click on the right side of the box so the right flap comes down.
Click on the red arrow directly above the guy on the platform, and he will move down.
Click on the UFO and then very quickly click the yellow button below the box on the right. Several things happen here. The UFO tries to abduct the guy, but gets the boulder instead. It drops the boulder on that mine which explodes and turns the red arrow up. The guy runs into the bathroom and flushes which causes pipes underneith to fall away exposing a red blob that we'll use later.

Goal 2: Drain The Pond
Click the doorbell on the bathroom.
Click the guy that comes out of the bathroom.
Click on the same guy again so he moves left.
Click the bottom lever guy three times so you see a shield.
Click the switch to the left of green arrow.
Click the bottom lever once.
Click on the tube above the door on the far left, so it will bend upwards.
This requires some timing. click on the UFO and it will fly up and to the right. Just before the UFO leaves the screen, click on the shield and then click on the bottom left guy who will pull a lever. This will fire a rock that destroys the UFO and freezes the pond.
Click on the shield then click the left lever guy. This will fire another rock that will bounce off the shield into the yellow basket.
Click on the shield then click the left lever guy. This will fire a water activated bomb that will bounce off the shield into the yellow basket.
Click the light directly above the door on the far left. The guy will move back to his original position.
Click the small gear in the middle of the wood box, it should start to spin.
Click the left yellow button under that box which will shoot out another boulder.
Click the switch to the left of the green arrow.
Click the lever guy 3 times16 - Click the red bomb. The top guy will throw it over the pond, which will cause it to melt.
Click the window in the top left in the tree. This will drop a carrot.
Click the spider web in the top left in the tree. A spider will come down.
Click the spider and then quickly click the bird. This will cause the bird to get pissed off and shoot a laser out of its head (???) which releases a ladder on the second tree. This will also overload the yellow basket, causing it to fall on the boulder below. It then gets kicked into the pond and the water bomb sinks and blows a hole in the wall, which drains the pond. Whew.
Click the switch to the left of the green arrow.
Click the lever guy once. You should now have the bottom guy waiting at the lever at the bottom of the pond. Leave him for now.

Goal 3: Burn The Vine
Click the right leaves on the second tree. A yellow fruit will fall and damage up the second landing pad.
Click the bell on the building to the right. The last guy (a mechanic?) will climb down and repair the landing pad. When he goes outside, close the door bending him by clicking on the door. He will repair the landing pad and eventually end up by the red up arrow.
Click on him and he'll climb the ladder.
Click him again and he'll burn the vine.
Click him again and he'll climb down.
Click the red arrow twice so it points right.
Click the small bridge just between the bathroom window and the landing pad that got repaired. This will open up an entry to the cave below.
Click the left edge of the crate in the cave below, which will open it.
Click the mechanic and he'll fall into the cave.

Ending: Make The Soup
There is one last sequence, and you have to get the timing right. You must click on the mechanic so he goes into the crate. He will ride out on a cart with a large bowl and arms. Click on the red blob on the ceiling so it drops an orange donut in the cart as it drives by. Click on the guy by the lever in the pond which will release a green donut, too. Both donuts need to land in the cart, which will stop under the light. For the timing on the red blob, click just as the cart is reaches the edge of the side of the crate that we opened. For the timing on the lever, click the lever guy just as the cart reaches the first bump it goes over.
See that button that says "Do not push"?
Don't push it. It will blow up the guy in the cave. You can still finish even if you do, but if you let him live, you can see some concept art for all 3 Hapland games at the end.
Click the gear at the bottom right to turn that button sign around.
Now you can push the button.

SpoilerZ url:

Monday, December 10, 2007


Game url:

Wogger, the point'n click Game - The complete story of woggers adventures is waiting for you!
The game leads you through woggers own world and strange creatures will appear.
Sometimes it might be easy sometimes it can be very tuff to find a solution.

Spoilers, Hints and Walkthrough for Wogger

Level 1[Show Spoiler]

Click the small green light below the lamp. Click the game’s title (Wogger). Click the rotating asteroid. Click the seven shining stars successively. Red numbers will appear on the paper. Click the center of the new mechanism (red dot). Click 2, 5, 3, 3, 7, 2 and 3 successively on the mechanism.
Click the match and drag it onto the small flame. Click the upper left corner of the newspaper (not the main page but the next one).
Click the shining star over the spider. There are 11 stars bigger than the others on the screen. Some of them will be useful. Click again the shining star and drag the spider onto the first big star from the top. Click this star again and drag the spider onto the big star in the upper right corner. Click this star again and drag the spider onto the second big star from the bottom of the screen. Click now this star again and drag the spider onto the next one to the left. Click this star again and drag back the spider onto the star from the beginning: a spider’s web appears.
Click the spider and then click the center of the web. Wogger will arrive with his “space raft”. Click the spider again. Click the blue shining star located at the center of the web and drag it onto the lamp.
Click the star where the spider is hanged, and drag the spider to the upper part of the propeller to lift the space raft up. Click the red button on the mast to release the space raft from the spider’s web. Go back to Wogger’s home, the small asteroid you saw previously in the newspaper.
Click the red button on the mast of the space raft to land. Click the red button again to stop the propeller.
Click the grass to the far left side of the asteroid. Click the lamp on the table to light it. Click the propeller and drag it onto the pole on top of the rocks. Click the red button on the mast of the space raft to start the propeller (huh?). Water floods everything and cracks a small part of the asteroid on its left side.
Click again on the red button to stop the propeller and remove the water. Click twice the cracked part of the asteroid to the left to reveal and open a hatch. Click twice the hatch below Wogger to go inside the asteroid.

Level 2[Show Spoiler]

Click the fly and drag it onto the far right spiders’ web. Click the bottom left part of the long stick and drag it onto the button on the right to flush the water. Click the lever just on the left of Wogger’s head. A yellow submarine will appear: click it.
Click the submarine again when it crosses the horizontal path, close to the sea snake. The submarine must go through the right path. If you miss this action, the submarine will fall in space in a bubble and will then land smoothly on a wire between two stars. Click on the wire to throw the submarine back into the asteroid and repeat the action described above until you succeed.
Click the two arrows below the submarine until they point to the right. Click the submarine. Wogger gets out.
Click the left two arrows above the submarine until they point to the left. Click the right two arrows until they point to the right. The doors will open. Click the light (it looks like a small sun) and drag onto the left above the asteroid that will appear in Wogger’s thoughts. Click now the two far right arrows until they point to the left: a new hatch is now open. Click the spider. Click the two arrows again until they point to the right and close the hatch. Click the top of the rope.

Level 3[Show Spoiler]

A big flat rock with a trunk and a barrel accosts Wogger’s home. Click the grass on this big rock, right to the barrel and Wogger will board the rock. Click the faucet on the barrel (bottom left) to open it. Click the top of the barrel and hold the left button down to empty it and water the trunk. Three fruits will appear at the top of the trunk.
Click the center of the spider’s web and leave the flat rock. Click the far left fruit and drag it onto the top of the barrel (drop it into the barrel). Repeat with the two other fruits. Watch the scene and the strange spaceship.
Click the far left side of the space raft. Click the propeller at the top of the pile of rocks on the asteroid and drag it onto the mast of the raft: your space raft is now almost ready to go. Click the light and the anchor to release it and let Wogger boards the space raft. Drag the light onto the lamp hanged in the space raft to light it; click the button on the mast to lift the raft up. Click this button again to leave the asteroid.
Once arrived to your new destination, click the anchor and drag it onto the zipper to open a sort of portal: click the portal.
Go through the slide and you will end on a small platform with some grass on it (note the jellyfish that will appear shortly on the bottom right part of the game window). Well, you’re in the wrong place!
Click the small snail to the bottom left of this small platform to lift it up and go through the slide again. Once Wogger is in lower part of the slide, click the snail stuck to this lower part to rotate it clockwise: it’s a bit tricky to do, keep trying!
Wogger will land on a jellyfish and three others will appear, next to the first one (#1 to #4 from left to right). Click the bottom part of jellyfish #1 and Wogger will jump on jellyfish #2. Note that jellyfish #3 moved to the left, leaving an empty space between #3 and #4. Don’t jump from #2 or Wogger will fall in the empty space, and you will have to replay all the sequence from the beginning. Click instead jellyfish #4 to move it to the left (no more dangerous empty space now). Click the bottom part of jellyfish #2 and Wogger will land safely on jellyfish #4.

Level 4[Show Spoiler]

Click the shining star on the left of the screen and drag the light to the second jellyfish from the left: seven new jellyfish will appear. Try to find the safe path through the jellyfish to the giant shellfish (don’t worry, it’s easy – if you fall, just try again). Note that the safe path appears for a very short time at the end of the jellyfish ballet. Once at the entrance of the shellfish, click the bottom part of the entrance to go inside.
Click the far left snail. Stop the machinery by clicking the right part of the balancing thing on the left. Click below the lower gear (the third one from left): the glass door will close and protect you from the giant murene. The next step is to drag and drop the three fruits into the area between the four right gears, above the two lower gears, and below the dot line (sometimes tricky – see the picture).
The goal is now to restart the machinery and press the fruits by using the two lower gears. Click the left part of the “no more” balancing thing to the left to do so. Some seeds will appear below the second / third gears from the left. Click the small lever located to the right of the glass window to open it. Click the skin of the fruits and drag it to the murene’s mouth. The giant fish is gone.
Click the seeds and drag them onto Wogger’s home (in his thoughts). Click the barrel and drag in the area where you dragged the fruits before. The machinery stops again! Click the hole where the murene was and go back outside: you’re now on the top of the shellfish. Click the bubble to the right and drag it onto Wogger.
Let the bubble cross the field of jellyfish until it end against one of them. Move your pointer over the border between the jellyfish and your bubble (see picture - don’t click anything): this will “push” your bubble to the left. Let the bubble climb higher and pop against another jellyfish. Click the bottom of the rope to get out.

Level 5[Show Spoiler]

Click the lower part of the top bottom branch below the left “eye” (don’t click the top of the rope or Wogger will fall down!).
Wogger will start balancing on the rope. Move your pointer over Wogger once he is close to the branch: he will jump on it.
Click the base of the V formed by the two branches just below the left eye and then immediately after, click the small platform to the right (timing is essential). Click the tiny branch below the platform and follow the spider.
Click the far left part of the thing behind Wogger (looks like a sort of wave, or a flat ‘n’); use now the far right extremity of your new weapon against the big bug to push it back to the right, until Wogger moves forward. Use now your weapon in the same way to turn red the grey button located to the right. A trunk will fall down and Wogger will keep moving to the right. Once outside, go back inside (look at Wogger and click to his left).
Click the black area between the butterfly and Wogger to enter in a new dark room. Click the small flame and use it to light the torch located to the left of the screen. Light now the torch on the right of the screen I the way. There is a huge piece of wood that blocks the path. Click the small white dot on the ground at the bottom of the screen. Wogger will go back, revealing a handle at the bottom of the piece of wood. Click it and click outside to leave the room.

Level 6[Show Spoiler]

Click the light green jewel on the ground and drag it onto the top of a vertical branch located to the right of Wogger: the light ray is deviated toward the grey caterpillar. Click the lever located to the left of Wogger to lock up the caterpillar.
Click the far right roots of the dead tree and drag the whole tree onto the right of the screen (see the second picture below). Click the jewel again to use the light ray to lift the tree up.
Click the lever again to release the caterpillar. Click the upper left branch.
The caterpillar will hang itself there upside down and then turn into a butterfly. Move your pointer over the butterfly and it will leave the screen.
Click now the grass in the light ray below the she-alien. She will use the light ray as a slide to go down and meet Wogger. Click the tunnel (below the bars) and then click the lever to the right.
Here is the first mini-puzzle for Wogger: the goal is to move the bigger rock from the left to the middle part of the room, and the three others to the right. Click and drag the rocks to their next position. You can’t stack a rock on a smaller one.
Once the red rock is in the middle position, a text box with three ‘???’ will appear on the left. Click the torch to light it: it will reveal three equations. Enter the solution (213) and click the symbol to the right to confirm.
A now portal appears. Click it and Wogger is back outside. Click the chimney to the right and then click the lever that will appear in the chimney. Click the area to the left of the sort of big ball made of grass. Wogger becomes smaller and leaves the area on the platform.

Level 7[Show Spoiler]

Click the first shining star. Click the second shining star to the right and then click the blue shining star at the bottom of the screen immediately after it starts shining (or you will have to play again). A helicopter seeds ends on the platform.
Click the shining star a second time and Wogger and the she-alien will start traveling in space. A peanut will end on the platform. Click the peanut to open it. Click a fruit and the she-alien will be locked in the peanut. Click the bottom left corner of the platform to shake it. The peanuts falls from the platform and ends later in a space castle (watch the scene).
An acorn will then hit the platform. Click the top of the grass area and Wogger will leave the platform: he will end above a new platform. Click the platform (center part) to make Wogger land on it. Click the top of the spider wire and drag it to the closest big star to the right. The wire acts like a bridge and Wogger can walk on it. Click the top of the spider wire again and drag it to the shining star above Wogger (don’t click the far right shining big star, it’s a dead end (if Wogger ends on it, click the center part of the platform to come back and then click the far right star again to restart). Once Wogger is on his space raft, click the button on the mast to start the propeller and leave.

Level 8[Show Spoiler]

Click the door to enter the castle. Wogger will meet the she-alien, locked in a cage. Click the open peanut to close it and then click the red button on the wall to open a hatch on the first floor. Click the stairs to the left and climb to the first floor.
Click the barrel and drag it onto the hole in the wall (close to Wogger’s arms). He will throw the barrel through the spider’s web. Now click the button on the wall to the right to open a hatch on to the second floor. Click the stair and climb to the second floor.
Click the far right wall: Wogger will climb to the top of the space castle. Click next to Wogger to his left, and have a look to the wonderful pool! Click the ladder to the left (bottom part).
Click now the top of the left tower to release a rope. Let Wogger go down and then move your pointer onto Wogger to make him jump down. He’s now near the pool. Click the key in the pool. The giant crab seems hostile toward the idea of Wogger taking the key. Click the snail to the left and it will fall in the pool: it will attract the giant crab!
Click the key again and drag it to the lock hole that appears in Wogger’s thoughts. The she-alien is free now. Click the stairs to the right and leave the pool.
Back downstairs; click the space raft, and then click the button on the mast to start the propeller: the she-alien will go rescue Wogger with the space raft. Click the button on the mast again to lift the raft down and let Wogger board it. Click the button a last time and the two aliens will leave the space castle.

Level 9[Show Spoiler]

Click the grass on the left bottom corner of the new squared asteroid: Wogger and the she-alien will come on the ground. The she-alien suddenly disappears underground. Click now the four small mushrooms successively, starting by the smallest one to the left, counterclockwise. A rope is released from the top of the big mushroom: click it to go inside.
The head of the big mushroom lifts up. Click the hole on its lower side: the head of the mushroom starts moving in space, and ends to the left of the main platform. Click the left side of the platform, where you can see a sort of hidden rounded entrance: you’re now in your mushroom ship at the entrance of a small maze and here is a new mini-game.
The goal in this second mini-game is to reach the she-alien in your mushroom ship, without touching anything. To do so, click your ship and the ground/maze will start rotating. Move your ship in the maze (remember: avoid touching anything!). Once you’ve reached the she-alien, click her and try now to reach the tiny mushroom. Once your ship has reached it, click the tiny mushroom and head toward one of the two lighted exit (you can also proceed with the tiny mushroom first and then the she-alien, but it’s a bit more difficult).
You’re out now and you will end just over your space raft. Click the rope (lower part) to make the she-alien board the space raft after Wogger did. Click the rope again to release the tiny mushroom that will fall on the raft.
Click now the tiny mushroom and drag it onto Wogger’s home (in his thoughts). Click the button on the mast and Wogger will fall from the space raft. Watch the next scene.
Once Wogger is on a small platform drawn by a flying bug, click Wogger to make him jump and land on the solid branch at the bottom of the screen.

Level 10[Show Spoiler]

Wogger just landed on a branch in the previous level. This branch is the top part of a mobile. Click the top of the rope with the lower rock attached to it (the first one form the right) to release it. Click the top of the rope with the upper rock (the first one from the left) to release it. Click the top of the rope with the remaining rock. Click the right part of the branch hanged to the rope below Wogger. He will jump on it and then jump again on the platform to the right.
Click the top of the left branch (upside down V). Click the nail at the bottom of the left branch. Click the bottom part of the helicopter seed. Watch the scene.

Level 11[Show Spoiler]

Let’s go back on the she-alien. She ended with the space raft on a new platform. There is a black hole left to the she-alien. Click below. She will enter the hole and then she will reappear on the bottom left side of the platform. Click now just above her head and she will move to the right. Click the lever to her left to let the she-alien enter inside. It’s dark! Click the button on the wall to the left to turn the light on. Click the seven shining stars outside (in any order – the seventh is very close to the raft on its left) to start a machinery.
Click now the far left hole located to the right of the sort of lift (left of the screen). The she-alien will use the lift to access the top of the platform. Click the left bottom corner of the space raft and she will board the raft. Watch the raft leaving the platform. Click the button on the mast and the she-alien disappears. Watch the next scene.
Wogger will meet her on the space raft. Once they are both on board, protect the raft and click the different objects in space (a branch, a rock and a swim fin) before they hit the raft. Click the stick (well, it’s not a stick) and drag it onto the Wogger’s home (in his thoughts). Let the last thing hit the raft to push it away.

Level 12[Show Spoiler]

Click the butterfly on the right bottom corner of the big photo album to slide it to the right and then open it. Click the right left corner of the right page. Click Wogger on the black and white picture. Move your pointer over the right bottom corner of the right page. Click the she-alien on the next picture. Hum, we can now tell that these two people are in love! Move once again your pointer over the right bottom corner of the right page.
Now it’s time to take some rest. Remember the flying stick in the previous level. It’s located right to the pile of rocks, on the grass. Click it once and the she alien will push it away. Click it again and drag it onto the green symbol on the ground, in the shadow below Wogger: the stick is in fact a beach chair and the she-alien starts to improve her tan!
Click the seeds on the table (left to the lamp). The will fall on the ground. Click the seeds again and drag them onto the grass, where the sun’s ray strikes the ground. Click now the water just to Wogger’s right and drag the water onto the seeds. Three nice trees start growing. Enjoy the final the scene.
Happy end!

SpoilerZ url:

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Kao Fu-Sen(FCBL)

Game url:

Help the little girl find her head in this point-and-click game.

Spoilers, Hints and Walkthrough for Kao Fu-Sen(FCBL)

LEVEL 1:[Show Spoiler]
1. walk to stairs, then walk up them,
2. click big box on top right with circles until the umbrella falls
3. when the tram is not out, click the crane and keep hold of the left click until it grappls the pipe.
4. click the door on the right the man comes out to fix his fume pipe thing, climb the ladder.
5. make sure your timing is right here, slide down the wire with the umbrella, when the green light is on.

LEVEL 2:[Show Spoiler]
1. click the barrel next to the hut, so that it falls onto the circled box below, the tvs will turn on.
2. click the fan on the left to open the door at the bottom.
3. click the tvs, to show the colours, click the door, set the colours to how they are positioned on the tv, mine were:
YELLOW the light blue bird on the top right, it will fly left, click it again, and it will fly down, click once more and it will drop the ladder down. climb the ladder.
5. click the door on the side of the hut, when the kid come out click him again and he will walk off...then you can click the girl and she will walk upto the lift, lift

LEVEL 3:[Show Spoiler]
1. click the fan on the right, until the guys hat flys away, he will go up and accidentally press the red button.
2. click the door on the left and another guy will chuck something down to the bird, click the bird and input the sequence into the grid. look at the image in the birds mouth, BUT PRETEND YOUR STANDING AT THE TOP OF THE BUILDING AND LOOKING DOWN. THATS HOW IT SHOULD LOOK.. e.g.
E= empty
3. click the girl, click her again.
4. watch the vid, enjoyyyyyyyyyy...

SpoilerZ url:

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